Design Concept:
此Logo設計風格為現代簡約、活潑、可愛、趣味風格呈現。整體視覺主軸以貴品牌名稱「你猜猜」做中文字體logo設計,以幾何線條及圓形,依照美學比例精心繪製出此logo,讓人一目瞭然,立即辨識出貴公司產業別。中文字體設計獨一無二,設計為較為圓弧、等粗之筆畫,營造出活潑、親民、趣味的氛圍;畫面中,結合手繪抽象黑溜溜的地瓜球,更加趣味,吊人胃口,想要知道到底是甚麼! 此logo也提供多種排版設計,使在應用上可以更為廣泛,不受侷限。
The style of this logo is adorable, interesting and lovely illustration. The Chinese characters are the brand's name and the meaning is '' Let's guess'' in Chinese. The sweet potato ball is different from the traditional one, as the founder adds bamboo charcoal to let it more distinct and attractive. Combing a question mark into the characters lets the brand identity more related to the brand story and also increase the creative. The colours are black and yellow, which are sweet potatoes and the product's colour.