Design Concept:
此Logo設計風格為現代簡約、前衛時尚、霸氣俐落風格。整體視覺以貴公司英文名稱「DOING FU」做英文字體設計logo,直接代表貴品牌,可以輕鬆讓人辨識貴公司,並且留下深刻記憶。將文字設計logo設計為有襯線字體設計,以幾何線條及圓形,依照美學比例精心設計出獨一無二之字體作為logo,且襯線字體往往帶給人專業、穩重、高端、大氣的氛圍,正呼應貴公司所帶給人獨有的品牌視覺形象。
The style of this logo is simple, professional, stylish, fashionable and clean. Creating a new type font and using the brand's name as the logo is easy to let people immediately recognise the brand identity and leave a strong memory. The typeface follows the geometric lines and aesthetics proportion, which lets the image more professional, elegant and royal.