Design Concept:
此Logo設計風格為現代簡約、西方俐落風格。整體logo設計以貴公司英文代表pick me buy作為畫面視覺設計主軸,以幾何線條及圓形,依照美學比例,設計英文字體logo,讓人一目瞭然立即辨識出貴品牌。結合了滑鼠鼠標意象以及IG愛心,呼應貴品牌「pick me!」點擊購買的感覺,還有行銷概念,整體營造出活潑、有趣的氛圍。
The style of this logo is simple, lovely, stylish, western and clean. Creating a new type font and using the brand's name as the logo is easy to let people immediately recognise the brand identity and leave a strong memory. The typeface follows the geometric lines and aesthetics proportion, and it is also combined a small heart and mouse, which is related to ''pick me!'' and lets the brand identity more fun and lovely.