Design Concept:
此Logo設計風格為東方、活潑、溫馨風格。以半寫實插畫呈現創辦人,帶給人除了精緻、吸睛的視覺感受,最重要的是傳遞出滿滿的溫度及人情味。將各式各樣的產品結合在畫面中,整體基本行為圓形,圓形logo往往帶給人圓融、圓滑的氛圍,間接傳達著美國華人福利社品牌的形象。文字帶動著整體視覺動線,營造出一個弧線,構圖更加創意獨特! 背景結合美國國旗意象,讓人更一目瞭然,辨識出貴品牌特色。
The style of this logo is oriental, adorable and illustrational. The character is the company's founder, who is a Taiwanese woman and wants to let more people living in the USA purchase high-quality products from Taiwan. The logo is combined with some specific images such as a cooker and a traditional bag, and these are unique memories for Taiwanese.