Design Concept:
此Logo設計風格為現代、簡約、俐落風格。整體視覺以貴公司品牌名稱「Total Surplus Pharmaceuticals」作為整體視覺設計主軸,以文字設計logo作為呈現,以幾何線條及圓形,依照美學比例精心繪製出此logo,讓人一目瞭然,留下深刻印象。簡約俐落的設計風格也是國外常運用的設計手法,有別於亞洲傳統logo設計,此logo更顯突出、吸睛。
The style of this logo is modern, simple, stylish, and professional. Using the company's full name, Total Surplus Pharmaceuticals, as the main image lets people easily recognise. Its style is different from traditional logo design in Asian countries. The logo is more western-style and international, which lets the brand more outstanding.